Remote Learning Offer – updated January 2021
Please find below an outline of our remote learning offer for the current lockdown period.
Live Teaching
The teachers will be delivering a live lesson daily. There will also be a mix of some pre-recorded videos by teaching staff and pre-recorded videos from other websites eg: Oak Academy throughout each week for all areas of the curriculum. The live lessons will be taught, via Zoom, by your child’s Teacher and Teaching Assistants.
We are aware that in the current situation, more than one child may be at home in any one household, we have therefore tried to stagger the times of the daily teaching, where possible, with the aim to enable all families to access this. Where this is not possible, we are trying to support families with additional access to technology.
Children will need to attend their live teaching session with access to a pencil and paper or whiteboard and pen, this equipment can be found in the stationery pack we have sent home with your child. The lessons will be interactive, with the full engagement of all participants expected in order for each child to continue to engage with the curriculum remotely. Please refer to the Zoom Netiquette document, which outlines expectations for all household members.
Curriculum Offer
All learning that is uploaded for the children will be uploaded to Google Classroom by 8:45am each day. Please see our Remote Learning Policy below or on our Policies Page which outlines the offer for all of our children across the school.
Remote Learning
- Children will be able to access lessons daily and new learning set out in a timetable can be found in the Upcoming box on the year group Google Classroom page.
- Children should save or upload their work on Google Classroom where staff will mark the work, provide feedback and any relevant next steps.
- Alongside the above, children are also encouraged to read to an adult and are welcome to log into TT Rockstars to engage with the activities on this platform.
- All staff will be additionally supporting pupils who may require extra lesson support, technical support as well as emotional, pastoral and well-being support.
Well-Being Wednesday
Alongside our live teaching offer and the remote learning via our digital platforms of Google Classroom and Tapestry we will also offer ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ each week for each year group. Your child is invited to log off their online learning every Wednesday afternoon and take part in some screen free activities. Children may wish to upload a photograph or video of an activity completed on Wellbeing Wednesday. This should be uploaded to the Year group STREAM page.
Wellbeing Wednesday activities will be posted on your child’s class page on the school website, Google Classroom and Tapestry and sent to parents via our Home School communication app – ParentMail.
Mrs Dalton, our Pastoral Manager, will also be running weekly or fortnightly wellbeing support sessions, via Zoom, for some children and their parents.
Our SENCo, Mrs Sexton will make weekly contact with some individual families and pupils to ensure that they feel supported throughout this period. Learning for those pupils with additional needs is tailored and adapted to ensure that they can access it effectively. Some of the children who are on the SEND register will have a bespoke pack delivered to the family home with activities to complete for their home learning provision.
We continue to actively seek pupil, parent and staff feedback. We will be running live Zoom sessions for pupil and parent groups to gain further feedback on our remote learning offer to enable us to continue to improve and adapt it for the best of our pupils.
Through continued access to blended learning via live teaching and remote learning, as well as feedback through support emails, it is our aim that the impact of any closure will be minimal on children’s academic progress and emotional well-being.
With the children accessing more online resources than when attending school we would like to remind parents of the following guidance recommended to parents: