Welcome to Year 3

We would like to take the opportunity to welcome you all to Year 3! We are looking forward to working together so that we can have a very exciting and productive year. We hope that your children enjoy the new challenges and approaches to learning that Year 3 has to offer!

Year 3 Newsletters

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Year 3 Knowledge Content Document

Updated: 12/12/2022 479 KB

Year 3 Knowledge Organisers

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The Year 3 Team

Our teachers are Miss Paterson in Cedar and Miss Bernabo in Pine.

We are very lucky to have several Teaching Assistants; Miss Dalton , Mrs Bashir , Mrs Ahmed and Mrs Bibi who support the children with their learning.

On Tuesday 7th and Wednesday 8th May, Year 3 went to Hollingworth Lake to take part in water confidence sessions. We had a fantastic time, a lot calling it their favourite day of Year 3 so far!



Christ Church, Healey

On Thursday 13th June, Year 3 walked to Christ Church in Healey for a visit. We looked around the beautiful, old church and learnt about the Christian faith. We were very grateful to Reverand Gill and the volunteers who were very kind and accommodating.







On week beginning Monday 15th April, Year 3 went on an overnight residential to Moorland Home in Whitworth. We had a mixture of weathers; hail, thunder, rain, wind and bright sunshine but this didn't stop the children from having a great time! We did some sketching in the woodland, made our own lunches and played with our friends in the fantastic playground. We hope you enjoy the photographs!


On Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st of March, both classes visited Nelson St Church in Rochdale to learn more about the Christian Festival of Easter as part of our RE curriculum. The children took part in some interesting activities and were excellent and respectful guests.

On Wednesday 13th December, two members of Nelson St Church in Rochdale came in to Year 3 to talk to us about the Nativity story. They challenged us to make a stable in Bethlehem for Mary and Joseph out of cocktail sticks and midget gems! We also made our own board games. We had a brilliant morning.


Maya Archaeologist
On Wednesday 18th October we had a visit from Dr Diane Davies, the UKs only Maya Archaeologist! She showed us lots of photographs and videos from her travels and work in Meso-America at the Maya sites she studied and worked in. She also gave us lots of information and brought in fascinating artefacts for us to investigate. We have loved our work on the Maya!



'On Wednesday 4th October we took part in a live lesson with thousands of other children from all over the country! The lesson was all about Harvest. We followed a chef cooking a delicious meal and found out where the ingredients (chicken, yoghurt, flour and coriander) came from! We even saw a calf being born live at the dairy farm!



Learning Resources

Times Table Rock Stars

Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help students master the times tables!  Children have the opportunity to practise multiplication and division facts up to 12 x 12 through this engaging website. Teachers can set multiplication challenges suitable for your child and monitor the progress your child makes.

Reading Planet


Reading Planet is an exciting reading scheme, which will help your child develop reading skills and build a lifelong love of reading. Your child’s teacher will assign books for your child to read as well as monitor your child’s progress through the quizzes he/she completes linked to the books read.

Oxford Owl

Oxford Owl is an award-winning website full of expert advice, educational resources and a free eBook library to support children with their learning at primary school and home. Oxford Owl for Home provides support and resources for parents and carers (parents need to register for free access to the resources). You can register for Oxford Owls on the Oxford Owl home page.

Resources you can access through Oxford Owls:

  • A free eBook library
  • Advice on learning at home and at school
  • Book recommendations by age and interest
  • Kids’ activities and worksheets